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My Container Flowers Garden

My little garden is about 16 feet square. Nestled between the garage and the back of the house, it rarely gets more than a few hours of sun and still it is an oasis of quiet and flowers. My cats, squirrels, bugs, and birds all call it home along with the occasional racoon and brave mouse.

The previous owners had cemented the backyard so all my growing is done in pots. I don't have a lot of perrennials because they mostly don't make it through the winter. Those that do are tough little guys. I've put together a list of plants that have survived in pots over the winter (in Toronto).

Here is a link to alot of the flowers I grow in a very shady part of the yard.

Read about my experiment growing Ginseng

More flowers

emails: Christine

This web site reflects my personal ideas and doesn't represent anyone else's point of view.